StartUp | Fiture




StartUp | Fiture

When I face unpleasant problem, I prefer to solve it instead of getting used to it. It is my self-initiate project due to a bad personal online shopping experience. Story was started from 2013, when I tried to buy a coat from the UK online shop. I found that It was very complicated to buy a best-fit clothes. I love experiencing something new. It was unacceptable that buying new fashion brands in online was so troublesome. I thought there should be a better solution. So, a fitting platform is developed.
Design, Engineering, Business
Keep Going

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Story —

A storyline shows why I want to solve the problem.

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Interview —

The interviewees were invited users who had online shopping experience. All of them agreed that sizing problems lowered their incentives of shopping online. They had tendency to resist trying new brands through online shopping. Due to high rents of reality shops, there is a big problem to new brands.

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Timeline —

We had a new idea which was started from 2013. There were changes in team and development in business during the period. A self-reflection was recorded.

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Scenario —

The final version app -Fiture was launched in Apple Store in 2016. It shows features of the app. There are over 300+ designer brands in the platform with size recommendation function. And we keep modifying the app with customers’ comments.

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Business Canvas —

Business canvas shows how to run a business from daily operation to revenue gain.

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Vision —

I keep focus on how to build up a user-friendly platform. And there are many possibilities in using technologies to scale up the business, once the basic construction of the platform prepares well.

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Fiture Ver.1 Video

Length: 51s